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Szeptember 5. 2024 MULTI.HDTV Torrent Link
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During the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, Germany, an American sports broadcast team must adapt to live coverage of Israeli athletes being taken hostage by a terrorist group. Juliette Ménager worked in the casting department for both this film and Munich (2005). I love authentic historical dramas. Especially in the times I lived in. This one feels authentic. It’s a story that I’m familiar with and have seen told in various film formats over the years. As the title above stated, I found this story to be the most interesting of all. I saw Spielberg’s Munich films years ago and I still remember it being a bit too long and bloated. Boring even, I hate to say it. And metaphorical to a fault. This version of events is more tense, this film’s running time is shorter, and the clock is still ticking in the film with lives at stake. Also the broadcast time. You're in the control room of ABC's Wide World of Sports as tragic terrorist attacks occur during the 1972 Olympics in Germany. Rotary phones are used for communication. And a major crisis is brewing in the Olympic Village. It's a good history lesson for Generation Z. It's even appropriate for grade-level history in classrooms, high school, and beyond, but it's rated R, so no. But history is never pretty. John Magaro and Ben Chaplin give great performances. It's worth going to the movies. It wouldn't be a bad idea to take your high school-aged kids to the movies to see this movie. They could learn a little history. They'll come up to you afterward and ask, "Did that really happen?"


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